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Why and How we should do Wheel Pose it is also known as Chakra-asana for makes you feel energetic and full of life.
Do you know Balasana  relaxes the brain & releases tension. It is also known as a baby pose
Butterfly Pose for Knock Knees (Baddha Konasana)
Yoga For Diabetes -The Half Spinal Twist Pose (Ardha-matsyendra asana )
Why and how we should  do The Half-moon Pose in yoga (Ardhachandra asana )
Anjanaya-asana – The Salutation Pose
Akarna-Dhanura-asana – The Shooting – bow - Pose
How can we do Surya Namaskar(Salutation)
Why should we do Surya Namaskar(Salutation)
Do you know yoga can be harmful in life if you are not careful
Do you know what disadvantages of forced lifting in the morning