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Showing posts from August, 2020Show All
Why and how we should do The Scorpion Pose (Vrischika asana)?
Why and how we should do Vriksha asana ( The tree pose) ?
What is Vira-asana (The Hero Pose )?
What is vajra asana ? we can do it before and also after a meal.
What is The Camel Pose ( Ushtra asana) ?
Why and how  we should do Ugra asana (The Noble Pose )?
Why should we do Trikona asana (The Triangle Pose)?
Why and how  should we do Tada asana (The Mountain Pose)?
What is Sirsha asana( The Headstand)? Why is it important in our life?
What is Lion Pose in yoga? what's  different from other poses?
Why and How we should do Siddha asana (Adept Pose ) ?
Do you know that every session of yoga should always start and end with Shava Asana?
Why and How we should do  Locust or Grasshopper Posture (Shalabha asana)?
How should we do The Shoulder stand Pose  (Sarvanga asana)?
Why and How we should do The Wind-releasing Pose  (Pavana Mukta asana)?
WHY And how We should do Revolved Side Angle Pose (Parivritta-parshvakona-asana)?
Why   Lotus Posture is a king of asana?
Why is important The King of the Dance Pose (Nataraja asana) in yoga?