Anjanaya-asana – The Salutation Pose


Anjanaya-asana - The Salutation Pose 


The Sanskrit word Anjaneya means salutation or praise from the root anj which means to honor, to celebrate, to anoint.     




1.  Sit comfortably in the vajra-asana (thunderbolt pose). 
2.  Kneel up on your knees until your back, buttocks, and thighs are aligned. 
3.  Extend your left foot forward bending your left knee at about a 90-degree angle. 
4.  Place the palms of your hands together at the heart in the Anjali-mudra. 
5.  Raise your arms straight up keeping the palms together while bending the head backward and looking up.  
6.  Slowly bend backward stretching the arms backward and straightening out the right leg. Hold this position for as long as comfortable while breathing gently through the nostrils. 
7.  Come back to the vajra-asana (thunderbolt pose) then reverse the posture by alternating legs. 


The Anjaneya-asana combines several postures and mudras (gestures) in a fluid, evolving flow that combines motion, stretching, and holds. It delivers great benefits for the back, arms, chest, legs, and hips.
Regular practice will strengthen concentration and improve balance.
Perform this posture with a sense of reverence and praise. Take a moment to reside in silence and peace as your hands are held at the heart in the gesture (mudra) of salutation (Anjali-mudra). Keep the intention of praise in mind as you extend your arms skyward. Feel your entire body-mind-heart extending outward in recognition of the sacredness of life. 


Repeat twice on each side.