Why and how we should do The Scorpion Pose (Vrischika asana)?
Posture: Vrischika-asana The Scorpion Pose Translation: Vrischika is the Sanskrit word for scorpion. This posture is so named beca…
Posture: Vrischika-asana The Scorpion Pose Translation: Vrischika is the Sanskrit word for scorpion. This posture is so named beca…
Posture: Vriksha-asana - The Tree Pose Translation: The Sanskrit word vriksha means tree, thus this is the Tree Posture. Pronunciation:…
Posture: Vira-asana - The Hero Pose Translation: The Sanskrit word Vira means hero, brave or eminent man, or warrior. Pronunciatio…
Posture: Vajra-asana The Thunderbolt or Diamond Pose Translation: The Sanskrit word vajra means thunderbolt or diamond. Pronun…
Posture: Ushtra-asana - The Camel Pose Translation: The Sanskrit word ushtra means camel. Pronunciation: oosh-trah-sa-na…
Posture: Ugra-asana - The Noble Pose Translation: The Sanskrit word ugra means powerful, mighty, strong, or noble. We usually keep thi…
Posture: Trikona-asana - The Triangle Pose Translation: The Sanskrit word tri means three and Kona mean corner or angle. Thus "…
Posture: Tada-asana - The Mountain Pose Translation: The Sanskrit word tada means mountain. This posture is also known by the name sam…
Posture: Sirsha-asana - The Head-stand Translation: The Sanskrit word sirsha means head. This posture is the well-known headstand …
Posture: Simha-asana - The Lion Pose Translation: The Sanskrit word Simha which literally means "the powerful one" is the …
Posture: Siddha-asana The Accomplished or Adept Pose Translation: The Sanskrit word Siddha means accomplished or adept, one who has…
Posture: Shava-asana The Corpse Pose Translation: The Sanskrit word shava means corpse hence this is the Corpse. The shava-asana is a…
Posture: Shalabha-asana The Locust or Grasshopper Posture Translation: The Sanskrit word Shalabha means locust or grasshopper. Ther…
Posture: Sarvanga-asana The Shoulder-stand Pose Translation: The Sanskrit word sarvaanga means limb or body. sarvanga, therefore, …
Posture: Pavana-Mukta-asana The Wind-releasing Pose Translation: The Sanskrit word Pavana means air or wind and Mukta means freedom …
Posture: Parivritta-parshvakona-asana The Turned Side-Angle Pose Translation: The Sanskrit word parivritta means revolved, turned ro…
Posture: Padma-asana - The Lotus Posture Translation: The Sanskrit word the Padma means the lotus. Hence, its English translation is…
Posture: Nataraja-asana The King of the Dance Pose Translation: The Sanskrit word Nata means dancer and raja mean king. Nataraja is…